Wish you could taste all the gluten-free products you see? Or find out if that restaurant, bakery, or candy shop touting gluten free entrees is really safe? Gluten-free foods are often costly, and you can’t afford to waste your hard-earned money on bad food. Learn about new (and old) products and restaurants without breaking the bank or getting disappointed, or worse, glutened!
I’ve made it my mission to find out what’s good and what’s safe. I’ve done the tasting (or testing in the case of items like shampoo or pet foods/treats!), researching, and reviewing for you! Follow Gluten Free & Tasty! to find out what you need to know!
Note: There are some exceptions when I may not personally be able to test the items in question, but I’ll investigate and share my findings with you all the same, so please feel free to ask about any product you’ve been curious about!
- If the product is from another country and the company won’t send samples.
- If the restaurant/cafe/bakery is too far for me to travel to, and they won’t send samples.
- If I don’t feel that the product is safe for me to consume/use.
If I know the Gluten Free Watchdog or Gluten Dude have discussed anything I’m reviewing, I’ll be sending you their way too, as they’re two of my favorite GF sites/bloggers, and have been for years.