I want to know what you’re doing for . . .

Did you have any special plans for NCAD? Or is this the first time you’re hearing about this day? The US Senate designated September 13th as National Celiac Awareness Day.  Why isn’t it in May during Celiac Awareness Month? Among other things, the resolution states:

“Whereas the connection between celiac disease and diet was first established by Dr. Samuel Gee, who wrote, `if the patient can be cured at all, it must be by means of diet’;

Whereas Dr. Samuel Gee was born on September 13, 1839.”

You can read the rest of the resolution here.

Do you have a favorite gluten-free recipe or a favorite gluten-free product? Please share! I’d love to hear about it. Or are you trying to find out if a certain product is safe or trying to figure out how to make a beloved recipe gluten free? Tell me about it and I’ll see what I can do for you!

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